336 research outputs found

    Belarussische Dilemmata: Die Rezeption des Nobelpreises fĂŒr Swetlana Alexijewitsch in Belarus

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    Transnationale Hochschulentwicklung als Chance: Östliche Partnerschaft, Bologna und Belarus

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    Der folgende Beitrag greift die Forderung nach einem stĂ€rkeren deutschen Engagement zugunsten einer neuen QualitĂ€t der Kooperation mit belarussischen Akteuren jenseits der Dichotomie von Zivilgesellschaft und Staat auf und skizziert ein Programm zur Förderung europĂ€ischer Hochschulentwicklung. Dieses könnte von der EuropĂ€ischen Humanistischen UniversitĂ€t in Vilnius aus gemeinsam mit Partnern in Belarus, Litauen, Polen und Deutschland neue Methoden transnationaler Lehre und Forschung weiterentwickeln und vermitteln. Eine stĂ€rker vernetzte belarussische Bildungslandschaft wird dabei als konstituierender Teil einer stĂ€rker autonom handelnden Zivilgesellschaft verstanden, von der in Zukunft wichtige Impulse fĂŒr VerĂ€nderungen in Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur in Belarus ausgehen

    "Der Genozid am Belarusischen Volk" als politischer Diskurs und Strafverfolgungspraxis

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    In diesem Beitrag wird die Verbindung zwischen offizieller Geschichtspolitik der Republik Belarus und der Verfolgung von AnhĂ€ngern:innen der Protestbewegung beleuchtet. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Frage, wie das sowjetische Narrativ vom Genozid am belarusischen Volk infolge der Massenproteste nach dem SpĂ€tsommer 2020 aktualisiert wurde, um es ideologisch, politisch und juristisch gegen Oponent:innen des Regimes von Aljaksandr Lukaschenka zu richten. Im FrĂŒhjahr 2021 nahm die daraus resultierende aktive Verfolgung eine neue Wendung gegen die polnische Minderheit innerhalb der Republik Belarus

    Die Republik Belarus als Migrationsgesellschaft: An der Grenze zwischen Eurasischer Wirtschaftsunion und EuropÀischer Union

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    Durch den Fokus auf die politische Verfasstheit des Staates gilt Belarus als wenig dynamische Gesellschaft. Mit dieser Überblicksdarstellung ĂŒber unterschiedliche Formen von Migration in, aus und durch die Republik Belarus möchten wir die Grundrisse einer Gesellschaft in Bewegung zeichnen. Anliegen dieses Textes ist es dabei einerseits eine Vielzahl ganz unterschiedlicher Migrationsströme als Summe individueller Suchbewegungen darzustellen und in ein VerhĂ€ltnis zu staatlichen Regulierungsmechanismen zu setzen. Die Relevanz von Belarus in der gesamteuropĂ€ischen Migrationskrise liegt darin, dass der Staat sowohl in Richtung der EuropĂ€ischen Union VerĂ€nderungen an rechtlichen, wirtschaftlichen und politischen Migrationsregimen vornimmt, als auch innerhalb sowie an den Außengrenzen der Eurasischen Wirtschaftsunion die DurchlĂ€ssigkeit der Grenzen steuern kann. Die SituativitĂ€t dieser Regulierungen stellen wir anhand der Arbeitsmigration in Richtung Russland sowie anhand der Folgen des Krieges im Osten der Ukraine dar

    Sodium retention in rats with liver cirrhosis is associated with increased renal abundance of NaCl cotransporter (NCC)

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    Background. Liver cirrhosis is associated with enhanced renal tubular sodium retention, the mechanism of which is still debated. We hypothesized that liver cirrhosis is associated with increased expression of renal epithelial sodium transporter(s). Methods. Liver cirrhosis was induced by bile duct ligation (BDL) in rats. Steady state mRNA of ENaC subunits α, ÎČ, Îł serum and glucocorticoid inducible kinase (Sgk1) were measured by TaqMan PCR in kidney homogenates at week 1, 2, 3 and 4 after BDL. Renal protein content of ENaC subunits, ubiquitin-protein-ligase Nedd4-2 and NaCl cotransporter (NCC) were assessed by western blot. Subcellular localization of ENaC subunits and NCC were analysed by immunohistochemistry. Results. Steady state mRNA of ENaC α, ÎČ and Îł were unchanged during the 4 weeks investigated, while ENaC protein decreased most prominently at week 2 (control vs BDL; α, −46%; ÎČ, −81%; and Îł, −63%; n = 6). Subcellular localization of ENaC subunits was not altered at week 2. Sgk1 mRNA did not change, whereas Nedd4-2 protein was reduced by >50% 2-4 weeks after BDL. NCC protein significantly increased at week 1 (control vs BDL: +66%, n = 6, P<0.05) and decreased at week 3 (control vs BDL: −85%, n = 6, P<0.0005). Conclusions. Enhanced abundance of NCC was observed in the initial stage after BDL, followed by a marked decrease. ENaC transcription, translation or cell surface abundance was not increased after BD

    Quantum Imaging with Incoherently Scattered Light from a Free-Electron Laser

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    The advent of accelerator-driven free-electron lasers (FEL) has opened new avenues for high-resolution structure determination via diffraction methods that go far beyond conventional x-ray crystallography methods. These techniques rely on coherent scattering processes that require the maintenance of first-order coherence of the radiation field throughout the imaging procedure. Here we show that higher-order degrees of coherence, displayed in the intensity correlations of incoherently scattered x-rays from an FEL, can be used to image two-dimensional objects with a spatial resolution close to or even below the Abbe limit. This constitutes a new approach towards structure determination based on incoherent processes, including Compton scattering, fluorescence emission or wavefront distortions, generally considered detrimental for imaging applications. Our method is an extension of the landmark intensity correlation measurements of Hanbury Brown and Twiss to higher than second-order paving the way towards determination of structure and dynamics of matter in regimes where coherent imaging methods have intrinsic limitations

    The Connection Between Thermal and Non-Thermal Emission in Gamma-ray Bursts: General Considerations and GRB090902B as a Case Study

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    Photospheric (thermal) emission is inherent to the gamma-ray burst (GRB) "fireball" model. We show here, that inclusion of this component in the analysis of the GRB prompt emission phase naturally explains some of the prompt GRB spectra seen by the Fermi satellite over its entire energy band. The sub-MeV peak is explained as multi-color black body emission, and the high energy tail, extending up to the GeV band, results from roughly similar contributions of synchrotron emission, synchrotron self Compton(SSC) and Comptonization of the thermal photons by energetic electrons originating after dissipation of the kinetic energy above the photosphere. We show how this analysis method results in a complete, self consistent picture of the physical conditions at both emission sites of the thermal and non-thermal radiation. We study the connection between the thermal and non-thermal parts of the spectrum, and show how the values of the free model parameters are deduced from the data. We demonstrate our analysis method on GRB090902B: We deduce a Lorentz factor in the range 920 <= \eta <= 1070, photospheric radius r_{ph} ~ 7.2 - 8.4 * 10^{11} cm and dissipation radius r_\gamma >= 3.5 - 4.1 * 10^{15} cm. By comparison to afterglow data, we deduce that a large fraction, epsilon_d ~85% - 95% of the kinetic energy is dissipated, and that large fraction, ~equipartition of this energy is carried by the electrons and the magnetic field. This high value of epsilon_d questions the "internal shock" scenario as the main energy dissipation mechanism for this GRB.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figures; minor revisions, typos corrected. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Forschung ĂŒber Evaluation in der Schweiz: Stand und Aussichten

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    Seit einiger Zeit hat sich die Forschung, die sich mit Evaluation befasst, klar intensiviert. Dieser Beitrag soll einen Überblick zur Forschung ĂŒber Evaluation in der Schweiz geben, wobei das Was und Wie der Forschung und nicht die Befunde im Zentrum stehen. Dazu werden die ForschungstĂ€tigkeiten in ausgewĂ€hlten Evaluationsfeldern und zu feldĂŒbergreifenden Fragen (wie Nachfrage oder Nutzung) beschrieben. Der Überblick verdeutlicht die zentrale Bedeutung der Evaluationsfachlichkeit: Wird anerkannt, dass Evaluationen neben einer thematischen auch eine eigenstĂ€ndige evaluationsfachliche Expertise erfordern, erhĂ€lt die Forschung ĂŒber Evaluation einen höheren Stellenwert

    Follow-up of the Swiss Cohort Study on Air Pollution and Lung Diseases in Adults (SAPALDIA 2) 1991-2003: methods and characterization of participants

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    Summary.: Objectives: The Swiss Cohort Study on Air Pollution and Lung Diseases in Adults (SAPALDIA) was designed to investigate the health effects from long-term exposure to air pollution. Methods: The health assessment at recruitment (1991) and at the first reassessment (2001-3) consisted of an interview about respiratory health, occupational and other exposures, spirometry, a methacholine bronchial challenge test, end-expiratory carbon monoxide (CO) measurement and measurement for atopy. A bio bank for DNA and blood markers was established. Heart rate variability was measured using a 24-hour ECG (Holter) in a random sample of participants aged 50years and older. Concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2), ozone (O3) and particulates in ambient air have been monitored in all study areas since 1991. Residential histories collected over the 11year follow-up period coupled with GIS modelling will provide individual long-term air pollutant exposure estimates. Results: Of 9651 participants examined in 1991, 8715 could be traced for the cohort study and 283 died. Basic information about health status was obtained for 8047 individuals (86% of alive persons), 6528 individuals (70%) agreed to the health examination and 5973 subjects (62%) completed the entire protocol. Non-participants in the reassessment were on average younger than participants and more likely to have been smokers and to have reported respiratory symptoms in the first assessment. Average weight had increased by 5.5kg in 11years and 28% of smokers in 1991 had quit by the time of the reassessmen
